IC for smart watch and smart band

The smart watch is a typical example of a wearable device. The smart watch, which is evolving day by day, has become a gateway to a new lifestyle; it senses what its wearer does and its surroundings at all times, and can fulfill a variety of functions when combined with a smart phone or other devices. In their pursuit of ever higher performance in the evolution of the smart watch, engineers face two unavoidable hurdles: the extension of battery life and the need for more compact devices.
Building on 70 years of watch manufacture technology, ABLIC can deliver an IC that resolves these issues. To extend battery life, we offer the ideal combination of a battery protection IC providing a power-saving feature to reduce product battery power in storage, together with a Linear Regulator and switching regulator that are amongst the world's top class in low operating current consumption.
Our Linear Regulators and switching regulators, which eliminate the need for a divider resistor for battery monitoring, and our lineup of WLP packages and 0.8mm square compact resin packages, will lead to more compact smart watches. Enhancement of smart watch performance is supported by our power-supply ICs, high-accuracy temperature sensors in compact packages, and ultra-compact wireless power receiver control ICs with minimum number of parts.


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ABLIC ICs are ideal for Smart Watches and Smart Bands

Category Product Name of recommended product Applications and Features
Smart watch Battery protection IC S-82B1B Overcharge, overdischarge, overcurrent protection,
power-saving function
Smart watch Battery protection IC S-8240A Overcharge, overdischarge, overcurrent protection
Smart watch Linear Regulator(LDO Regulator) S-1318 Sensor power supply, ultra-low current consumption
Smart watch Linear Regulator(LDO Regulator) S-1313 Sensor power supply,
ultra-compact package (0.8mm square)
Smart watch Linear Regulator(LDO Regulator) S-1740/1741 Series Microcontroller power supply
with supply voltage divided output
Smart watch Voltage Detector(Reset IC) S-1009 Microcontroller reset,
super-low current consumption
Smart watch/charger DC-DC converter S-85S1P Series BLE/GPS chip power supply
with supply voltage divided output
Smart watch/charger DC-DC converter S-85SxA/P,S-85MSeries BLE/GPS chip power supply
Smart watch Operational amplifier S-89713 Signal amplifier, Rail-to-Rail input/output,
low offset
Smart watch Digital temperature sensor S-5852 For brightness control of LCD panels,
high accuracy
Smart watch Temperature sensor S-58LM20A For pulse-wave sensor, high accuracy
Smart watch/charger Wireless power IC S-847x Series For charging, compact package

Major Features

Battery Protection IC S-82B1B 
Power-saving function


Power-saving (PS) function, which prevents complete depletion of the battery pack during storage!
A low current consumption mode (50nA max.) can be engaged by inputting an external signal to the PS pin. Thanks to this mode, discharge current of the battery pack and current consumption of the protection circuit can be virtually eliminated during shipping of the battery pack.

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Linear Regulator S-1740/1741 and Switching Regulator S-85S1P
With a supply voltage divided output
small footprint

a supply voltage divided output

Simple battery monitoring! IC with a “supply voltage divided output”!
The supply voltage divided output of this IC separates input voltage (VIN) and outputs it to VIN/2 or VIN/3. This function can connect the supply voltage divided output from the IC directly to the A/D converter of the low-voltage microcontroller, allowing the microcontroller to monitor the battery voltage without a divider resistor.   For more information, refer to “Supply voltage divided output.”

Small footprint
The compact package of this supply voltage divided output IC facilitates its smaller footprint.

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Linear Regulator S-1318 Series 
Ultra-low current consumption

S-1318、ultra-low current consumptionThis regulator features an operating current of 95nA typ., for ultra-low power consumption to significantly extend battery life.

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Switching Regulators S-85SxA/P Series・S-85M Series
Super-low current consumption
High efficiency
WLP package

This synchronous step-down switching regulator (DC-DC converter) has a track record for use as reference design for GPS and Bluetooth chips.

S-85S/M series、low-consumptionThe industry's top class super-low current consumption
Super-low current consumption of 260nA typ. makes it ideal for reducing battery power consumption in standby mode.

S-85S/M series、Ultra-high efficiencyUltra-high efficiency at low load
An efficiency of 90.5% at 100μA load provides robust support for long extended battery operation.

S-85M series、WLP packageWLP package (S-85M Series)
The industry's smallest WLP package reduces product footprint to a mere 1.6 x 2.7 x 4.3mm2 including external components.
*When recommended products are used

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