
Introduction of EEPROM for DIMM (SPD)

Serial Presence Detect EEPROM

ABLIC provides JEDEC-compliant Serial Presence Detect (SPD) EEPROMs for DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4 DIMMs (DRAM modules). ABLIC also provides a lineup of SPD EEPROMs with temperature sensors ideal not only for desktop and notebook PCs, but also for data centers, servers and high-end PCs, which support the development of a wide variety of DIMMs.

  1. JEDEC standard compliant
  2. I2C-bus interface supporting the SMBus timeout function
  3. Ten-year mass production track record dating back to 2006

1. JEDEC standard compliant

ABLIC's SPD EEPROMs comply with the TSE2004B2/EE1004-1 JEDEC standard and is safe to use in the development of virtually any DIMM.

SPD EEPROMs line-up
SPD EEPROMs line-up


2. I2C-bus interface supporting the SMBus timeout function

Since the I2C-bus interface supports the SMbus timeout function, it can be used not only for DIMMs, but also to relay the Vital Product Data (VPD) that Solid State Drives (SSDs) requires over the SMbus.

What is the timeout function?

What is Timeout-mode

If the “L” state of the SCL pin is maintained beyond a specified time period (tTIMEOUT.MAX), this function resets communications returning the device to standby mode. This function help prevent system hang-ups.

timeout function

3. Ten-year mass production track record dating back to 2006

ABLIC's SPD EEPROMs have a ten-year history of mass production since 2006. ABLIC will continue to deliver safe and reliable products.

SPD EEPROMs Mass production performance
SPD EEPROMs Mass production performance