Norifumi NaganoDirector and Executive Senior Vice President
He joined Toshiba Corporation in 1986. He's always been in charge of personnel management as he moved between the head office and plants. In 1989, he joined the team setting up a cathode ray tube plant in the US. He's gained a keen sense of the differences in values and behaviors between Japan and the US through his official and personal interactions, including playing softball and fishing on his days off. From 2005, he worked for eight years at Toshiba's head office in the US. Exchange with CHROs of global leading companies has made him think about the stance toward human resources and the low level of human productivity in Japanese companies. He's been in his current position since he joined SII Semiconductor Corporation in 2016. Today, he promotes the utilization and cultivation of human resources who independently and consistently get results.
●What I can contribute to society as the person responsible for the domain I lead
The Japanese word for company and the English word “corporation” both stem from “a group of gathered people.” I'm completely responsible for the people who form the company. It's my wish that all members who by chance work together at the same company engage in their duties with a sense of the following.
- Living with a feeling of security having a job brings
- A feeling of growth and confidence in oneself for learning new things every day
- Having colleagues who pool their strengths to overcome difficulties
- Helping society by bringing high-quality products to the world
- A feeling of happiness together with family
- Gaining trust from the next generation by nurturing less experienced workers

No universal rule exists enabling all employees to have these feelings. This is because there is more and more diversity among people. We're using the internet, eliminating borders, and working with colleagues worldwide to meet the needs of clients around the globe. Our company employees range in age from people in their teens to their 70s, and the new workstyle of Generation Z can inspire the older generations and produce new value. There are also many who work while facing various circumstances, such as caring for family or raising kids. We're striving to create a work environment where our employees can have the work-life balance they desire so they can feel joy in their work, even with constraints. Within this environment, our company as a whole is achieving great results because we have more motivated employees and each one is exercising ingenuity.
I believe a stage should be a setting where each and every employee can demonstrate the theme of self-actualization. Nothing makes me happier than when we grow our company through a mix of numerous performances, ultimately bringing well-being to the market and society.