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9 Languages Available for Nobu Ishiai (ABLIC CEO) Cover on Newsweek

As informed as one of our topics as of Oct. 27th , Nobumasa Ishiai, Representative Director, President and CEO of ABLIC was posted on Newsweek (International Edition) as of Oct. 21st.
This coverage is translated into eight languages, such as Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Korean Spanish, French, and Portuguese, in addition to the original coverage in English. Now nine languages versions are available.

Left) Front Page of Newsweek (as of Oct. 21st edition), Right) Images of translated versions

Regarding this article, Mr. Ishiai commented as below,
“I would like to give my sincere gratitude to everyone who has cooperated in this regard since it is very valuable publishment to ABLIC and to myself. I am also very honored that this article was published to the world with ranging with other representative semiconductor companies in Japan, which will make our company value of ABLIC raise further.
We have now nine languages' version of the publication including the original one in English, I am expecting that this one would be a trigger to expand our brand to the world not only to English audiences but also to the world as a global company based on ‘People'.”


【for Downloading】
〇English           〇Japanese        〇Chinese(Simplified)      〇Chinese(Traditional)
〇German          〇Korean           〇Spanish          〇French           〇Portuguese

Also, please click on HERE to read all Qs and As on the Worldfolio website, who is in charge of the interview to Mr. Ishiai and edit the article for the Newsweek (Only English is available).


〇For Inquiry
   Corporate Communications (E-mail:
   ABLIC Inc.