Newsweek covers Nobumasa Ishiai, President & CEO of ABLIC

On 8 March 2023 (UK time), an article by Representative Director, President & CEO, Nobumasa Ishiai of ABLIC was published in Electronics Weekly, a leading online media for the electronics industry with a 55-plus year history in the European market.

Mr. Nobumasa Ishiai, Representative Director, President & CEO of ABLIC

The report carefully describes what type of company ABLIC is, the company's history and achievements to date, and its aspirations for automotive products in the European region, where it wants to place particular emphasis in the future, through “the Spirit of Takumi”, a Japanese concept of craftmanship and excellent human resources ABLIC has accumulated over many years as a specialist analogue semi-conductor manufacturer in Japan.
Please read the article published in Electronics Weekly HERE.